Interested in Serving?
You need the local church and the local church needs you. Get started serving.
It takes everyone.
If you are interested in serving with a specific ministry within the church, learn more below and click on the “Get Started Serving!” button to take you next step. A ministry leader will reach out to you to get you information on serving opportunities within that specific ministry.
Cross & Crown Kids
If you desire to love and teach children at their most important stage of development, Cross & Crown Kids is for you. Learn more and take your next step by clicking the button below.
Cross & Crown Students
The teenage years are an important time for discipleship and social connection in the church. Interested in helping students meet and follow Jesus? Learn more and take your next step by clicking the button below.
Worship & Liturgy
The Sunday morning worship gathering is one of the most important parts of life at Cross & Crown Church. Are you interested in serving the church musically or taking part in the various aspects of the worship gathering? Learn more and take your next step by clicking the button below.
Welcome & Hospitality
Join the Welcome & Hospitality team and help Sunday mornings happen! From greeting people to setting up and tearing down to connecting with new people at Cross & Crown, take your next step in this ministry by clicking the button below.