Mission & Values
Helping People Meet & Follow Jesus.
Cross & Crown Church is a Jesus-centered, grace-driven church that exists to help people meet and follow Jesus. Man’s greatest need is to be restored to God through faith in Jesus Christ. It is in Jesus that we find the forgiveness of sins, are made right with God, and begin to live the true and abundant life that he has died for us to have. Having been saved through faith by grace, we are compelled to help others come to meet and follow him as well.
We are Jesus people! We cherish him above all earthly treasures and follow him at any earthly cost. He is our shepherd, we lack nothing. Our truest identity is who we are in him, and we make it our daily aim to behold, and thereby become like him.
We freely give what we have freely been given! All of grace is for all of life, and the more we get it...the more we give it.
We align our lives to the Bible, not the other way around! God has opened himself up to be known in the Bible and we take him up on the offer. The bible is a necessity for intimacy with God.
Prayer is not the preface to the work...it is our work! Jesus has died to give us a prayer life, therefore we commit to knowing God in prayer and partnering with God through prayer.
Spiritual formation is our community project! God has not just saved us from our sin, he has saved us into a people and our life together puts the love of God on display for a watching world.
All of our lives are reserved for all of his mission! The question is not if you are called, but to whom and where.
We hold to the central doctrines of the Christian faith revealed to us in the scriptures and passed down to us through the ancient creeds. Our living faith is established upon these eternal truths.
We are blessed by a team of called and gifted individuals who lead and serve alongside the church in its efforts to help people meet and follow Jesus. Our leadership would love the opportunity to meet and further connect you with the church.